
By TexMama

Useful Words


I fell down and broke my arm while trying to grab the dog...who was trying to get a feral kitten, (who had been sheltering on my porch), in the rain...in my pj's & slippers. One minute I was up, next I was flat on my back - but thankfully, for the kitten, I was still holding on to the dog. So there I lay, in the rain, dog on one side, angry, wet kitten on the other...unable to get up as my free hand was no longer working and I couldn't persuade the kitten to make his escape, so I could let go of the dog...I had to laugh at myself :)
I tried calling out but it was early and the kids were all sleeping - so with the help of the dog I dragged myself up and back to the house to phone Mr Tex for a ride to the hospital.
This is their 'how much does it hurt' chart...I like it so much better than the picture only ones. Those always confuse me as it seems rather abstract and I never know which face to choose so then I have a mild panic that I might choose wrong, and find myself staring blankly at the nurse as if the question was way beyond me. This one has nice descriptive words which made me rather happy...I like words better than silly faces :)
Note to self...save this pic in case you have to go to the hospital again, and wear sensible shoes when it's raining :)

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