On the bike again

Another bicycle ride to work. A busy working day, but unlike the previous ones because today I could actually focus on the things I needed to do. Unfortunately it wasn't as successful as I hoped, but much progress was made.

Martine is away for the night to visit a wedding. Part of the festivities is camping. She has already sent me some images; looks like great fun!

Inge is also spending the night somewhere else: it's the last day of pony camp, which means a party end then spending the night there as well. She will be picked up by Martine's parents tomorrow morning after breakfast. I would have loved to go there myself but allergies for grass, horses and cats, all there in abundance, make this rather difficult for me unfortunately.

So I'm home with my daughters Nienke and Ellis. We had a nice relaxed evening and now they are asleep I can do the remaining household chores and then relax somewhat. The last weekend before school starts for Nienke, Inge and Ellis; we better make it count!

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