Our Home For Three Days

We called in to the studio first thing to collect some more bits for our stand and then drove to Harrogate to make the finishing touches. The photo shows our little corner just before the doors opened to the public!

After a very quiet first half an hour or so, things got absolutely manic…we had a very good trading day and sold out of several lines. Not the stuff we thought would sell..and we wished we could have prepared some more.

We had a visit from blipfriend Airedaleknitter who popped in to say hello. A very brief visit as we were so busy!

We finally got to eat lunch around 3 p.m. as things started to quieten down.

When we got home, a cup of tea was needed and then I took Finlay out for his second  walk, the first having been at 5:30 this morning!

A long day… and an early night beckons.

No chance to read / comment for the last couple of days - unlikely to be much better until after the show.

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