Days Like This

Not “one of those days”...

Junior left home this morning to start university in Edinburgh. He’ll be a mature student after 6 years of messing around following high school and trying to figure out what he wants from life.

Those 6 years were very difficult. For 5 of them I also had responsibility for my mother - in a care home with dementia until she died in May ’16. Now, suddenly, within the space of 15 months, I’ve emerged from the darkness into the light at the end of the tunnel. The light which wasn’t even there for a long time.

I’m blinking a bit today. It must be all that bright light.

The two of us were very close after his mum and I split up when he was 7. We stayed close until he was about 15, and turned into the typical teenage youth. That was when things started to become difficult. 

I even threw him out at one stage and he lived with his mum for a year.

I hope he enjoys his course - marine biology at Heriot Watt. I hope he makes lots of new friends, has plenty fun and expands his horizons.  

Today a chapter ended for both of us and new ones have begun. We both had good times during that chapter, but very few of them were together, and overall it was an unhappy chapter in our relationship.

He left a pile of dirty laundry. 

Blipping really wasn’t a high priority today. It was cloudy and dull most of the day, which wasn’t inspiring. I ended up Blipping my evening treat to myself.

It’s so quiet around here...

Anyway, tomorrow's a new day


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