Rainy Sunday in Glasgow

Not sure why, but I was tired all day! Did not want to get up and Neil was up way before me! This is very unusual. 
Nonetheless we ticked a few things from our list
1. Tiles 
We went to Topps Tiles and picked the new tiles for the bathroom. 
We will have wood effect tiles for the floor, as Neil convinced me that a real wooden floor would not be a good idea .... And actually the wood tiles look really good! 
For the wall just around the bathtub we also found a design that I think will suit the traditional style suite and the duck egg blue walls we have and want to maintain. We took some sample tiles to see it in our bathroom.
2. Post office
Yes - all is posted now! That was quite an achievement knowing how long some of it was waiting.
3. Costco - very short run though Cosco as we did not need much. But I know have a kg of walnuts to make Lydie's macarons when back from Berlin!
4. Coffee
Ok - not really a to-do, but after we came back we walked in the rain to the V and V Cafe for a cup - or two and planned what to do next.
The owner lady is really nice and up for a chat with everyone.
The two Vs stand for Vegan and Vegetarian - I know a few people who would appreciate that. 
5. Photobooth
Back home we started to set up our "photo booth" as a practise. As expected it did not work immediately and not the way we thought it would - but I think we do have a better idea now what to do. New shutter release is ordered from Amazon, as the Canon one does not trigger as well as I wanted it.

Doug came over for a cup of tea. He and two of our friends will also be in Berlin next week.

Things not done: 
Clearing the HUGE pile of magazines, books and stuff in the kitchen. I may manage a bit tomorrow.
Flghts still not booked - but will be done now.

Now food is in the oven and time to relax.

The blip shows the V and V Café and the Caldonie Bookshop beside it.
The street was quite busy despite the rain. I think most people were surprised by it as the morning was rather nice.


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