
By memento

Future cake designer

Fairy Wish Cake-designed by a six year old for her four year old sister's birthday. Grandma and three year old cousin skillfully made it come to life and we skillfully made it disappear, along with a scrumptious pizza and salad dinner.

Happy Birthday peanut. You are an entertaining little firecracker, especially when you sat on my lap and named everyone around the room, each prefaced by an emphatic MY and when you concluded with a soulful "ALL MY PEOPLE", gosh that was cute. I think I'll always remember that even when I'm very old and when you bring your first boyfriend for me to meet, I'll embarrass you by telling that story.

While out and about on this spectacular Fall day, I ran into a lady visiting from Ohio who couldn't find a greeting card store in the strip mall we were at. She asked why the place was so deserted and I told her it was nothing; she should come back in January when there's three feet of snow if she wants to see deserted. She didn't believe me. Then she told me about hearing on the news about the Minnesota DNR and the 1600 hunting licenses they've issued through a lottery for the first ever wolf hunting season since wolves were taken off the endangered species list. I didn't believe her. Who would want to shoot any one of the 3000 wolves in our state? Wildlife "management". Don't get me started.

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