
By RDKcreate

Childhood Joys 2

When you look through my journal it seems to be quite an eclectic mix of images but there are some themes buried deep ......... at least in my head ;-)

Watching Alex grow up really takes me back to my own childhood and although kids walk with ease in the digital age there are times when the natural world around them grabs their fascination.

On this occasion it was conkers and his excitement grew as he dashed around to weigh his pockets down with these magical treasures ..... as if the the gold of Eldorado had just been found littering the parklands of Bristol.

I found the textures and colours in these conkers compelling and used that as an excuse to practise some flash photography. I used one speedlight very close in on camera right fitted with an Ezybox softbox, and another speedlight to camera left dialled down and zoomed right out just to add a touch of light to the dark side of the moon as it where.

Alex will also walk a mile to blow Dandelion seeds into the air. Have a look here for how we tried to capture that one.

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