A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

An Emerald At My Door

I believe this may be the first Emerald Moth I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Unfortunately it was on a night I closed at work, so I got home really late. I was so excited that I was trying to multitask and make dinner at the same time as well as trying to get photos of our new friend. Luckily Sean stepped in and took over with dinner so I could focus on our mothy visitors. He knows how distractable I can be. So thanks to him I got my new blip for the night, our dinner didn't burn... and our house survived too. I'm so lucky to have an awesome boyfriend who accepts and supports my photography addiction. I had actually taken a few photos earlier in the day and thought I'd already taken my blip, but this was such a rarity that the Emerald Moth won. I've narrowed it down to either a Southern Emerald Moth or a Wavy-Lined Emerald Moth. I can't tell the difference between the two off of the info I found online. The Wavy-Lined bit sounds as if I just made it up, but apparently that really is an official type. I'm hoping to get a second chance for better photos one day. Maybe we'll get a return visitor. This one was all the way at the top of the glass on our front door. A wee bit out of reach and while I even switched lenses, it still proved difficult to get a good shot. The Emerald Moth was joined by two Harnessed Tiger Moths as well. Perhaps it was the two from the other night.

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