Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The thirst for knowledge

Top Gun's interests are increasingly polarised. On the one hand there is history, philosophy and economics. On the other there is friends, wine, beer and cheese.

Should have been a nineteenth century gentleman with a large Iibrary.

Today was full on in the office from 7.30 in the morning until 5.30 this evening. Then I watched Game of Thrones on my iPad whilst TSM did yoga.

I don't know what to do about work. I love the people I meet in the job, and whilst some is routine a lot is also interesting and challenging; but it is increasingly draining. I'd probably enjoy a three day week but I can't afford to go there yet.

To rephrase Ol' Man River: I'm tired of working but scared of retiring.

Meanwhile, far far away, the Pyongyang regime is playing a terrible game of nuclear brinkmanship that could make 2017 even worse than 2016. So my petty concerns are ... well, petty. Or are they? We can only live our own lives, but we are part of a greater whole ...

My current obsession is reducing waste. Assuming the planet does have a future, in the long term, environmental degradation is the bigger threat. Which is something we can all make a contribution to...

Think I'll sleep on it.

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