A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It must be Monday

It wasn't worth the bother to try and get him facing forward. A gentle kick start to term time routine with the Anna and Cameron's drama class starting again. A gentle non-start to my term as a painful twinge in the back of my leg meant a night on the sofa instead of starting my tap class.

The rest of the day was breakfast with my folks before they headed off. Then name labels in all of Anna's new uniform. I'm not sure what's come over me but don't think I have ever gone as far as labelling individual socks before.

I was saved from further madness by the arrival of two of Anna's friends (Evelyn & Vivien) for their final treat of the holidays - Kidzania. So they spent 4 hours pretending to work and I spent 4 hours not pretending to work when I realised there was not a conducive corner in Westfield to be had. Well not that I could find. So I did various bits of useful shopping and admin and a bit of reading and lunch instead.

Lesley x

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