And Another Thing...

By dhackett68

Monkeyin' Round...

The blip infection spreads!

Downstairs getting lunch ready, when Monkey Boy opened his curtains and shouted at me to look up! Good call...

And only noticed the two house martins out for an early snack when I posted the shot.


And in the rush to credit my assistant, I forgot Diageo's massive marketing scam, which resulted in Baggot Street being almost completely jammed by crowds and a higher WPM2* factor outside Toner's and Doheney's than the rest of the year, rugby weekends possibly excepted!

Would have made an excellent blip, but the sheer numbers meant that those of us not interested in extra training as alcoholics had to walk down the centre of the (busy!) road towards the oncoming traffic...

* WPM2 - wankers per square meter

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