Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

An Oak Leaf.

As I recover from the dental surgery that I underwent yesterday the gum is very sore, but I am not seeking sympathy.
The beautifully clean, purposeful and efficiently organised Dental Centre in Accrington is a sign of true NHS progress. Thanks are given as a sign of my appreciation but seem very little.I hope the NHS can continue to uphold the good progress being made and roots into the staffing of it will continue to be there for all who need this public service.
If my husband had not had the money to pay for the service, I would still be worried about the damage my black broken tooth was doing to me.
Great thanks dear husband!
Enough said,

This oak leaf captured my imagination, as Accrington means valley where the acorn grows.I still miss my terraced old first home there.
The symbolic idea of good progress being made, from the precious small acorn, as the years unfold, to the magnificient tall oak tree, means if the tree can do it, we can all use our life force to bring to this planet, great and mighty progress as well.
Each one of us is gifted in so many God given ways.

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