Open plan toilets

A dull old day, very mild and humid with drizzle drifting around. Didn't spoil our morning walk to Notcutts Garden Centre for this month's free coffee and a visit to Cotswold Outdoor shop so that Susan could buy a new fleece. In the end she got a good deal, a £70 fleece reduced to £50 with eventually a further 15% off.

While in Mote Park we passed by the site of last weekend's food festival which was being dismantled. Not sure I'd like to go in these toilets.

Susan took her mum for a hospital appointment in the afternoon; hopefully at the fourth time of asking her cataracts will be done next week. I dug all the potatoes at the allotment, went swimming while they dried (as much as they could in the damp atmosphere) then came back to sort, collect and bag up. They should last a good few months.

Roasted and pickled the last couple of jars of beetroot in the evening, that makes 6 although there are still plenty of beets in the ground.

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