Ripening fruit

We woke up this morning at 3am to the sound of the rain and the wind blowing. I was not looking forward to today as it was going to be a very tough walk and the weather forecast was not good. Walks along the South West Coastal path are categorised as either easy, moderate, strenuous (Crackington Haven to Tintagel which we had done yesterday) and severe. Today's walk was classed as severe and involved six deep valleys to cross in six miles. We decided it wasn't worth the risk in the current weather conditions. By the morning we decided we would cut short the trip and head home, missing our booked overnight stay in an hotel. Buses are few and far between in Cornwall and even scarcer on a Sunday but I managed to sort out a route. I had a look at my cousin's large garden before we left in the rain. She has two vines in this greenhouse, the roots are outside and the fruit grows inside. It seems to work very well. We caught two buses to get us back to Exeter and then met up at the bus depot with one of our walking friends. We all had to wait for the next bus to Exmouth but I had no hesitation in cadging a lift home from there as he had left his car in a local car park. Six hours door to door, but what about those glasses. We had planned to pick them up on Monday after our walk that day but logistically we didn't know if we had enough hours in the day. To be continued.

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