Victoria Diamond Jubilee Clock

This morning KG had a visit to the dentist.  Once he parked I checked out the charity shops .  It was only a check up he was having so I only had about 20 mins.  When I got back to the dentist he was ready and said he had a small repair but couldn't eat 2 hours.  We were going to get some keys cut and then home for lunch before going to see Dunkirk using our free tickets.  So it ended up with us going to Burger King and it wasn't too bad. We enjoyed Dunkirk and thought it was well done. 
My blip today is of the Tolsey Clock in the High Street which is a reminder of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. The Tolsey building on which it is perched was given to the town by the Countess of Warwick in about 1600. It was used as a Court House with a prison cell or “blind house” in the cellar below

After a very wet start the rained cleared away and it was sunny when we came out of the cinema

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