
It was a long day.  I began when I got up and got curious about the MOOC that began today -- Decision-Making in a Complex and Uncertain World.  It looked good and before I knew it I had finished five lectures, all before 08.30.  Then, of course, I had to go to work, where I successfully polished off 8 lecture hours, one after the other, all of them prepared, with just a bit of time to grab a double cup of steamed milk.  By the time I got back to my desk, I needed a half hour to just sit, and as there was no one else there any more, I even gamed a bit, just to empty my head.  Then the drive home, and I was too late to catch hubby, who had already left for the first Monday bridge evening of the new season.  He had to pick up M, H's wife, because his regular partner, R, was off again on some trip.  M was very nervous, but everything went well, although they didn't get a high ranking at the end, but never mind.  I tried to sit up and wait but the long day made my head heavy and before I knew it, it was time to conk out, but not before I had done my shot for the day -- my sarongs draped on the back of a chair because I still enjoy wearing them and they are so soft and comfortable.  Hubby arrived a lot later and I woke up briefly to wish him goodnight.

All in all, quite a good day, actually.  I have proven yet again to myself, if to no one else, that a little preparation goes a long, long way.  Tomorrow will not be so full.

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