and through the wire...

By hesscat

Don't Drink The Water

It don't get more exciting than this (errr. think it does mate). This is more exciting than one of my first blips when I installed a new shower (errr. no it's not mate, that shower was amazin').

Our water supply is from a spring in a field about half a km away. It's always had a "quality issue" and I can't remember when we last drank it straight, i.e. 15.. 20 years ago? We either filter then boil the water or use bottled water. Ms H doesn't even have a bath in it, thinking the shower is better! (err... what you thinking lass? While investigating a shower issue on Sunday there, I was up in the attic emptying the cold water tank and clearing out a layer of muddy slime at the bottom of it. We knew it would be there, but once you see it, you have to clean it!

Anyway, after an awful lot of effort to apply for a grant, then find a company that would install it, we now have an approved water filter system. Well done Mrs C, I left it all to her. The water comes up at the left into the first filter, then into the next finer filter, then into the ultra-violet light, then off to the outlets.

It had only been installed an hour or so, but that 2nd brownish looking filter is already doing it's job. I've hung a new clean white filter next to it. Wow... we could never see all that in the water, but it was there!

So now the system is in, the next stage is to drink it... hmmm... not sure I am ready yet. For now I am just hoping that Ms H will try a bath! And then we can get down of the fun of cleaning these filters!

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