fly flicker...

through the air

right at me

no one was more startled - even though i'd heard his most familiar calling - for quite some time and was attempting to track him - i thought i'd seen him high up in the trees - but when he came rushing out - i wasn't fully prepared hence the slight 'out of focus' - shot seen here - however he was flying fast and furious so this is the only one i got - before he went off to parts unknown - leaving me totally alone shaking my head - muttering to myself like a crazy person because - i was trying to figure out how i could've gotten more shots - than just the one - but sometimes it just is what it is and you need to be okay with it

this picture i decided to post'as is' - no fussing, no filtering, no nothing - straight out of the camera except for a tiny bit of a crop - it needs to fully speak for itself - even with that slight out of focus appearance - for me, it's the story today - of a flicker on the hunt as he traversed the courtyard - calling for ages, getting almost frantic because it was unanswered - how many of our own stories coincide with his - we search for something unseen believing we - will find it eventually if we give it enough time or look hard enough - is there truth to that? - the flicker gave up and flew off without his answer - we humans tend to have more faith than that - which is why we usually experience...


happy day.....

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