Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Eastern Fence Lizard

This is Wednesday's blip...I'll be back later with today's.  

We had a wonderful day at Castlewood Canyon State Park, especially because we met our friends from Minnesota there!  I haven't seen Anne and Denny for 4 years and it's been even longer for Pipersdad.  Anne is the daughter of our dear friend, Roger, who passed away a few years ago.  We got caught up while we hiked in the canyon and then over a decadent Mexican dinner.  Unfortunately, it was only a brief visit because they have a busy agenda in a short time but we were very happy that they had a day to spend with us!

I spotted this lizard while on our hike.  I'm not sure I have ever seen a lizard in Colorado so I was excited.  The park is about 100 miles southeast of home and the terrain is more arid with different birds and wildlife.  We decided that it's an area that we should spend more time exploring.  My extra was taken from quite a distance but it is a Ferruginous Hawk that I rarely see and have never featured in my journal.  So I decided to post the not-so-sharp image anyway.  Many thanks to Cailleach for hosting Wild Wednesdays!

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