
By sarahishh

So Sick

I had a really horrible day. First of all I'm really sick but I had to go to school because I can't miss any school and it's the day before midterms start and I don't really want to miss any review. Woah I sound kind of dorky but it's true I don't want to screw up my good grades. I also ended a friendship with one of my best friends, which really really sucks. When we met I was really shy and didn't feel like I could be myself around anybody and when I was around her I was just naturally myself. She was the only person at the time that I thought liked me for me. But over the past two years we both have changed so much for the better and sadly the worse. I've felt like whenever I was around her I had to watch what I say in fear that it would hurt her feelings and not be myself. I had to be something different and not liking me for me, so today I just couldn't take it anymore and we decided it was best that we just not be friends anymore.

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