
By RobBris50

Anti-Austerity March Bristol.

This weekend is a weekend of protest in Bristol. I have to admit I was in two minds about attending this protest. The protest was called by our Mayor who had recently been critical of previous protests, arguing that they did not offer solutions. Additionally, there is a small part of me that feels that the Mayor is becoming part of the problem not the solution. We all know that money is tight and Bristol has undergone a consultation about the savings required. However the choices are whether we should close some libraries, whether we should close public toilets and whether the council should stop funding school crossing patrols. For me this isn't a choice that I find acceptable, a better choice would be to keep the libraries open and stop funding a film production company or keep the school crossing patrols and stop funding an European office in Brussels. But these aren't the choices we have been given.

Saying this I'm glad I went, it was good turnout and a good-natured event. Also caught up with a few old friends, Tomorrow it's the anti fascist march, hopefully the weather will be better!

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