Just walking in the rain

Usual visit to my folks today. A few jobs done, and arrangements made for next week.

Remembering back to the massive form we filled in and copied, the visit to Citizen's Advice etc. for money for my Mum, we've both now received letters saying that someone from The Ministry (as my Dad refers to them!) wants to meet me, as I filled in the form on my Mum's behalf. They've had plenty of evidence and reference to show that my Mum does have the conditions she has, and that doesn't seem to be the issue. It's me they are interested in!

Quite why, I don't know. All I did was complete and sign forms, with some input from Citizen's advice. I am not profiting from it in any way...I guess they just want to know if I'm ripping my parents off in some way, which I'm not of course!

It will all come out in the wash!

This afternoon it has been very showery on and off. I hadn't got a Blip, so I popped outside during one very heavy shower and took some shots from the shelter of the passage between our house and next door!

Tonight Brian and I are going out for a few drinks to belatedly celebrate his birthday!

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