The beginning...

...of a painting. Tissue paper scrunched up, straightened out a little. Then pva glue and water and I glued it on the canvas. But my first attempt was appalling. I tried again with another canvas, and this was the second attempt. This one was more like what I had in mind.

So I did a third one, and that turned out on similar lines to this one. But the canvases come in packs of 3, and I only had this pack. So I was going to need another pack which I will have to get another day. But then, I realised I needed 6 canvases in all to complete what I want to attempt.

The first one was awful, and there was me with baby wipes trying to get the tissue paper off. Why I didn't simply put it under the tap I do not know.

Anyway, tried again, and it came up again on the lines of the above one. So I was pleased.. only one more pack of 3 canvases to buy.

It is an idea I had over 30 years ago, when I first knew J and this was somewhere we went. He sat on a stone in the stream and sketched. But I took photos. The tree canopy was above. I twirled round and round taking photos. This set of pictures will be the 360 degrees all round and J will be in one of them.

That is my ambitious plan. I will be probably painting it in acrylics.

Then I realised this would be a brilliant way to do the cream silk wedding dress he bought me a few days before he died. He never saw me in it. The dress was a complete surprise and it fitted absolutely perfectly. How did he do it? It is now in a box in the garage now 8 years later. So that will be my next project after this one.

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