Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Sunday's Sunset

We got here at the Bay of Kissamou for the 2nd time today as I'd forgotten to take along my handy in the afternoon... so when back to collect it the sun was about to roll behind the mountains of Gramvousa. Ofcourse I took some more sundown pica's but I like this golden one best for today.

And it was a golden day! After roaming around some rural roads in the repaired car and visiting Venetians villas of old times (ruins now and housing doves) we got to a restaurant along the shore for our afternoon meal. When seated some one approached with the note; " Ah I thought I reckonised your voices!" ... BIG surprise as we landed next to our best friends here! We shared our tables and had a most happy reunion since April (we had not met yet as they returned home from abroad days ago). 
And then when home I noticed 2 hours later I missed my handy ~ as it didn't turn up in my bag nor the car I must have left it at the restaurant and a phonecall confirmed me I did... they'd found it! So another trip to the Bay of Kissamou and then I could collect my handy and take this sunset.

Eventho' we'd checked tables and all... I must have dropped it when opening the car. Anyway; check & check before you leave; I got experience now from how easily something is forgotten.

Wishing you all a Happy New Week

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