East, West, Home's Best

Today being our Sabbath, we took a round road trip to a few towns in Spain - this was our first stop, Oliva de la Frontera, where there was an intriguing sculpture of two backpackers - turns out, they commemorate the 300 or so folk of the town who kept the wolf from the door by smuggling, mostly coffee, from Portugal - a few of them are still alive.

Had a coffee there, and carried on to Jerez de los Caballeros, where we sat in the main square and had a delicious lunch of ice-cold gazpacho, followed by tuna salad, followed by garlicky pigs' kidneys - really tasty, honest. In the square, was a bronze bench with a bronze sculpture of a Nazareno, holding his pointy hat in his hand.

Then Fregenal de la Sierra, then a stop in Encinasola, then back over the border at Barrancos. Stopped for a walk under one of our local bridges - have put an extra of Mike pointing out how much the Alqueva has gone down - 4 to 5 metres. 

And you know? Looking through all the photos today, the ones I like best are the ones I took on our Land on the way back... 

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