Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Constant joy

In the full grip of a cold and feeling slightly grumpy, I left the car at a friends house and made my way into town. After a few breathless moments and a little expectoration I was flying up the hill, muscles firing and the deep joy of energy making me smile. Round the corner and through the traffic lights, up the hill and then onto Castle mount.

Picking the bike up and almost running to the top of the hill I gasped as the sun burst across the horizon. I took some nice shots of birds flying across the new sky, church spires lit up and mist in-between the houses. But today, and forgive my sentiment, it is in praise of my little fold up bike! Hehe what a cheeky, hard working, go anywhere little fella he is. If your feeling ruff and something can still make you smile then it's got to be good.

Work...head down and keep going.

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