My Best Efforts - Year 3


Silver Birch.........

.....................this tree is a beautiful native tree with this lovely silvery bark - and I think the Lichen growing on it makes it even more attractive.
In the past, the wood was used for furniture, carts, ploughs etc and today, in the making of racecourse jumps. The bark is used in the tanning process. The Sap can be brewed into Wine and Beer. Silver Birch Wine is still made commercially in Scotland, I am told.
Apparently, it has several regional names including Beith (Gaelic) , Bogh ( Irish), Paper Birch (Wiltshire) and Ribbon Tree (Lincolnshire).
In folklore,it also is said to protect against the Evil Eye and Evil Spirits and to symbolise Love avd Fertility!
For myself, I just think it is beautiful.

try larger

Weather here at the moment is dull and cloudy although there was a little Sun (!) earlier on.

First of all, I have to say "Thank You" to Beryl, the very thoughtful woman who suggested I "do her Orchid for my photo thingy" and then my kind fellow Blippers for putting that Orchid onto the Spotlight Page. Many, many thanks.

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