'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri


We got a few fish:
5 guppies, two of which (blue male & one female) stayed at the top of the tank for the whole day; the other three (yellow male and 2 females) ventured a few inches down.
A silver male molly (Goliath after the Wychwood ale) and a pregnant orange & black molly (Arrowane, after another Wychwood ale). No sign of babies yet, but she did't stop pooing since we put her into the tank. We think, maybe she wasn't pregnant, just full of crap.
Two algae eaters - Malkoppie, who would be calm, minding his own business, and then suddenly  burst into a mad wringly swim across the tank - and Ernie the Energiser bunny, who didn't stop swimming up & down at high speed. That is, until he swam up the pump pipe, disappeared for a few long seconds and then got spewed out without ceremony. We thought that was it & C was planning how to retrieve the body (we don't have a net). He still moved a bit, but his charcoal & lemon bands changed to grey and light grey bands. By the time we went to bed he was moving about again, albeit very slowly, and the charcoal bands were back.

After all this we realised that Malkoppie was gone. Couldn't find him, maybe he swam all the way into the pump and will be returned as fish food during the night.

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