Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Feeling a bit better

The penicillin has kicked in, and the darling has perked up substantially. He didn't have to be forced to eat or drink for the first time in five days, and some of his usual manic nature returned.
Had to dash to the supermarket, and there was one of those car ride things, which I normally say NO to (horrible woman, aren't I?), but tonight I offered him a turn. I think he was pleased.

He's been spoiled rotten today. A new work colleague hand delivered a very nice outfit to him today as a "get well soon" present. He left the tags on and gave me the receipt just in case they don't fit or they aren't liked, so that I can exchange them. My goodness. Expensive!! I don't even spend that much on outfits for myself! But it goes to show that my work and personality are appreciated, and that the work colleague is a very kind person. (He's quite famous, and I am not at liberty to say who at this point in time, as we are trying to avoid media attention. However, it will probably all come out soon enough, at which point I'll explain to my lovely blip buddies)

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