Bee Haven

Early this year a group of people anonymous to me staked out a very small rectangle of ground in a corner of the Meadows to dig up and plant out flowers and vegetables. They obviously had planning permission, and against all odds, passing louts and other low life who take delight in breaking small trees and trashing street flower tubs, have left it alone to flourish in a rather higgledy- piggledy way.

At the moment it is a bee haven with its flowers, marigolds, sweet peas, nasturtiums* and tiny violets blooming. Today there also seem to be newly planted carrots.
This rhubarb and I am supposing it to be that, is really past the picking stage but is sporting beautiful leaves.

Despite the continuing unsullied existence of this mini plantation, I don't know who works it or how they got permission to do so, but at the back of my mind I have vague memories of allotments in this part of the Meadows during WW2.
Whatever, the bees are happy and so I imagine are the slugs.

*extra image.
It seems that with the comments, I am way off the mark with my rhubarb. Maybe just as well then that I didn't steal any when no one was looking!

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