Time For A Chat

We were out just after 08:00 this morning for our walk…it was bright and breezy and DRY! Spent nearly two hours wandering around the woods and lanes and footpaths.

In the woods we came across a group of four deer and I watched them for ages as we were partly hidden behind a tree - I only had my small camera which has a zoom of 120mm (35 mm equivalent) and managed to get one steady shot. See extra. You can just make out one in the undergrowth and one in the field behind

In the main shot the farmers were collecting straw bales and harrowing the field…when they weren't standing around gossiping near this fabulous oak tree.

Got the grass cut again…it seems to be growing faster than ever, must be all the rain we had.

I have been having horrendous problems with email for the past 24 hours… I am receiving plenty, but stuff I sent out has not been delivered. It appears in the sent items but does not seem to be sent on by the yahoo servers. Had to resort to gmail to send out messages.

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