
By PhilattheBeach

Still Standing

Both Marshwalk resident Big Bubba the tuna, and our pines out back especially my 'problem' tree are all still there!
Bubba is showing a few cracks around his fins and some other wear but overall he's in decent shape.

It's also *right* back to sunny skies and hot and humid. Has to be a good 31C out there with the humidity making it feel hotter.

We went over to check out The Marshwalk this morning and it is a bit of a mess in places, but no major structural damage we could see and no trees down.

We tried to go to the salt marsh and nearby beach but the state has closed the entire area down for cleanup and repairs. Shouldn't take too long to spiff it up I'm hoping.

We had a rough evening last night with strong wind gusts and rain, heavy at times as the remnants of Irma moved through.

One odd thing (that seems sort of funny now) is we have this flap type thing (whose purpose remains unknown) on our metal upper rain gutter  that would bang against the gutter as the wind blew it back and forth keeping anyone in the nearby bedroom awake.

At some point after midnight I couldn't hear the thing banging anymore so I knew the wind was dying down and Irma was pretty much through with us. Comforting silence.

What a crazy roller coaster of emotions that lasted almost two weeks we went through! So glad it's over and done with.

Ok, bring on the next one! What? Who said that?!?

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