Real tree.

This is a real tree in my cousin's garden. 

Got up when the gravel truck in the old B&Q lot started its engine at eight this morning. Popped out to the Manna house for cakes and then cycled round to my cousins. 

We had a lovely catch-up, she showed me a video of my own christening taken by Great Uncle Bill. There was me barely toddling in my little white hat, that made me smile. 

But there walking along, instantly recognisable,  was dad. Oh dad. Gone six years, but there he was for ten seconds on screen. Younger than I am now, with his best suit and his badly tied tie. S and I had a hug. it was more of a shock than I credited it with. 

After cakes and tea and gossip we walked round the garden. S has many fruit trees, and this year there is a bountiful crop. I told her this tree looks like something out of a Disney film. 

After kissing S goodbye I went for a walk along the beach and found a couple of nice bits of sea glass. Then home for a late lunch and a couple of projects. 

I've started a cushion cover for the big cushion I sit on to eat my breakfast and the wooden curtain rod has had a couple of very thin coats of white paint to smarten it up. 

A busier day today. 

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