Sawfly caterpillar

On my forest walk with Sami I came across with this birch sawfly caterpillar. It's kind of cute as a caterpillar, but as an adult it's quite modest looking small insect. 

Happy International Positive Thinking Day! I think I am positive and optimistic person for the most part. When having a bad day, I think I should open this Wiki How Guide.

Negative emotions can spiral. If you want to stop letting yourself sink down into bad feelings, you can train yourself to let the light in. You can learn to find the bright side and stay positive, avoiding negativity in your life, and going about the process of improving yourself for the better.

How to Find the Bright Side

1. Start smiling more
2. Make little changes in the words you use.
3. Do nice things for others, even if you don't feel like it. 
4. Be with people you enjoy.
5. Find positive quotes or mantras to keep with you.
6. Keep a journal and record each day.

How to avoid negativity

1. Identify your negativity triggers.
2. Only keep supportive friends. 
3. Give less weight to what other people say.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others.
5. Stay busy.
6. Don't sweat small stuff. 

How to improve your life

1. Get active. 
2. Set and complete goals.
3. Take the time to celebrate. 
4. Eat well. 
5. Let yourself relax when you need to.

+15°C, cloudy, rainy, sunny

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