Bruised cheeks

If I had to sum up the day .... lots of swearing. 
The morning started well with good progress sorting out the racing gear in preparation for departure tomorrow. We then decided to transport an old sofa to a charity shop over in Greenock as no-one was prepared to uplift and it's replacement is arriving tomorrow. Mr T measured and confirmed that it would fit in the Defender.  After about an hour we concluded it was not going to happen without taking a door off so in the midst of showers and an achy back it is now back in the house.
Mr T bolted down to Glasgow to drop off a car and I headed out for a forest walk with Cooper. For once I was dressed for the weather as the showers were frequent. Good walk but as I returned home I slipped on our deck. There was hilarity followed by a few rude words! Poo bags were launched at a wall during my descent but thankfully didn't burst. Bruised right cheek!
I headed over to Dunoon to pick up Mr T from the ferry - issues with Defender gear box gave me a scare as I was pulling out from a junction and caused me to use a few rude words again. Stranded on a fast corner trying to get the car to move was not fun. Diff Lock seemed to engage when not required. Frustrating drive over to Dunoon with way too many drivers not aware of single track etiquette. More swearing.
You can imagine my mood by the time I met up with Mr T so onto my next humiliation.... on reaching the petrol station I managed to slip on the step getting out of the car & tumbled onto the forecourt. Bruised left cheek!
Just as well I caught this shot of the rainbow

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