The Spotted Giraffe

Ben has working at The Spotted Giraffe for 3 years.  It's run by friends Michelle and Cathy who provide the local teenagers with welcome job opportunities and work experience.  It's a great place to hang out and have coffee, especially if you have young children...

Here is Ben with Jack - I made his day by asking them to pose, but it had to be done as it's his last shift at least until Christmas, and he's loved working there.

In other 'hasn't-this-been-painful-enough-already' news, my Dad has been told that the care home may 'evict' my Mum unless they get some top up payments from the NHS or him, as her needs are more than they can cope with. The NHS has said that they won't agree extra funding (at the moment).  Dad is currently paying £1,200 a week for her care!  The whole nursing/residential care system is utterly confusing and involves so many different agencies and professionals I don't know how anyone navigates this, let alone my 82 year old Dad.  Is it any wonder he is stressed and depressed?

Keep healthy folks!

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