
By jeffpaps

Screen shot.

Out on the streets of San Antonio tonight as part of 24-7 Ibiza initiative to pray for and help vulnerable people under the influence of drink and drugs.
We met and talked to a number of people who work in the claustrophobic cluster of clubs and bars nestling in the west end of San Antonio. Whilst the majority of people seem to be having a great time, some have clearly had too much to drink or have taken some other substance that has debilitated them. Seeing an individual lying comotose in their own vomit is sad but the immediate need is to make sure they are safe and help them back to their hotel or reconnected with friends.
24-7have been helping in this environment for over 15 years since a Daily Mail article condemned Ibiza s hedonistic lifestyle as a modern day Sofom and Gommorah.
It was a privilege to be part of the project this morning and to wear the iconic and well respected 24-7 t shirt.
My photo taken on the roof terrace after catching up on my sleep is of the screen that offers privacy from other terraces.

Thankful for sleep after getting home at 6am. Also for health which should not be taken for granted and for being part of a great team.

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