The roofs of St. Malo

This morning we had April showers again!  But we took the bus to St. Malo and looked at lots of beautiful clothes shops! Then lunch in a little crêperie: galette poire, Pont l'Évêque!  Very good!  I've been trying hot chocolates in different places - with very mixed quality!  Here it was a teapot full with a little cup, ok but could definitely have been warmer!
Then we did a tour of the ramparts and had a coffee in a place where Vladis and her husband used to go!  Finally took the ferry back to Dinard and back home by bus!  A very good day.

I've managed to add a few extras of St. Malo! The statue is in the courtyard of the house Châteaubriant was born.  It is now a hotel.  The window is in the same place.

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