Back To School

Rotterdam skyline shot near the Maas about half a kilometer further than the parking area where I usually park.  I knew there would be little time, if any, to shoot anything later.

A full 9-hour day = 08.30 to 17.30, including 8 full lecture hours.  Do you think I'm tired?  Thankfully, physically and not mentally.  It all went quite well till the class that began at 17.00.  Everyone was tired and restless, and the clouds you see in the shot became darker and darker and at one point it was raining really hard we could hear it above the normal classroom noises.  The 17.00 class wasn't supposed to last long as it was the intro to Project Management for the second year, and the students I was assigned to were the ones who had opted to choose their own projects, so there was no sponsor, no pre-arranged program, no project plan, meaning that the students were supposed to choose their own groups and think up their own projects, but they didn't have to do this on the spot.  I was going to give them a couple of weeks to decide who to work with and what they wanted to do, but no one was in the mood to listen, and so at one point I told them to 'figure it out by themselves and I'll see you all next time', after which I walked out of the room in a huff and a puff, and unfortunately, management was having a meeting right next door and witnessed the entire affair.  So much for dignified exits.

The episode woke me up sufficiently, though, so that when I got home, I managed to finish a whole week's worth of lectures from the new MOOC, Foundations for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China, a course I wasn't all that enthusiastic about but which I felt was necessary to understand at least some things that my students do.  The boss will definitely pay for this one, as with all the other business courses I take.

Hubby was away already at his Monday bridge evening and I didn't see him till his return at almost midnight.

Still amusing myself with that Bollywood film.  I miss India so much.

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