Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

1 month of blipping

Started blipping 1 month ago, Sunday 14th December. It's been a great experience so far.

Earlier I've been on this hill only during day time. After boring yet sort of distressing day at work it was pleasant just to walk in dark forest towards this hill. There was not any snow left, just ice. So it was dark and slippery yet I enjoyed the moments in forest and began feeling more relaxed. I could even hear Boreal owl (helmipöllö=aegolius funereus) hooting.

I think this is the best pic I made today out of those 19 frames I shot. Even such a few shots took a long time since I mostly shot with quite narrow aperture which required a long exposure time. I began freezing on a windy hilltop. In the end I shot a couple of frames with wider aperture. Timing for aperture change was bad. With longer exposure time chopper (that blueish line on the sky) would have made a longer line which would have improved the image.

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