The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Windy walks

Bit of a roundabout day today, just sorting lots of little things. Got a bit scared by an email from Environment Systems asking me to do some crazy project thing with Radar... but turns out the guy got confused and sent it to me by accident! Phew!

Went swimming and did some proper training - feels like I've just been getting more and more unfit this summer with a mix of being injured or extremly busy so felt good to get a decent session in. Did loads of underwater lengths as a start for training leading up to Hungary this summer (that is if I think I can afford the time with MSc... (been working years for this chance so will be mega gutted it I can't go... ))

Early afternoon I met up with Doug for a proper catch up. It was great to talk face to face again and have him back in Aber. I really felt bad for not keeping better contact with him on his year in industry... I always seem to be so busy, but maybe I should make for time for staying in touch with friends who have moved away. It's a hard balance to keep...

Now to bed... climbing the Welsh mountain Cnicht tomorrow!

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