Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dragon head

A very early safari today, first shots fired off before 06:00. The plan was to capture a dewed dragon in a head-on pose, seeing as so many of you liked the head on shot in the slideshow yesterday. The dew thing did not happen, but there were plenty of other blip opportunities.

Back at the lab, as shot after shot ended up on the cutting room floor, I started to think that I may have to go out again. The sky was overcast and maybe I was not taking enough care of my shutter release technique, as the culprit seemed to be camera shake. Sometimes thinking too much about the subject can distract your mind from other important issues.

I did end up with ten keepers of various species, but I was so happy when this shot came up on the screen. It is okay to go out and simply shoot everything that moves, but it is sometimes nice to go out with an agenda and make it happen.


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