Glasgow City Chambers...

... had an Open Day today which meant I could wander at will all over the building taking as many photographs as I wished. Amazing building and I had a wonderful three quarters of an hour or so wandering about. I'd already been on a 3 hour walking tour of the city centre followed by lunch in a Greek restaurant. I then went the whole way round the city Tour bus route (again) getting back to the hotel at about 10 past 5. So just in time for my free cheese, wine and biscuits before heading up to my room. Now watching television from my bed.

I have another walking tour booked for tomorrow lunchtime; this one is The Dark Side and will tell the tales of grisly Glasgow murders as close to the site on which they were perpetrated as possible. Should be fun. Then if I have the energy I might climb to the top of the Lighthouse for some photographs. Not sure whether I'll get to the Kelvinbridge Museum or if they will have to wait until October. I'll need to get at least a part ride on the tour bus since I bought another 2 day ticket today so might take a ride as far as the Squinty Bridge; walk over and back taking photographs and pick up the bus again...

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