
We spent the afternoon litter-picking with a bunch of local volunteers, to clear Marine Esplanade and its associated beach of several tons of rubbish, much of it fly-tipped. The little beach is really very nice without the litter - I see from the map that it's part of the East Sands of Leith. First time I'd ever been there. Strangest thing I found was the detached head of a teddy bear that seemed to have been used for target practice. Leith, eh?

CanCarrier was amongst the party as was one of our Leith councillors Chas Booth and Westminster MP Deidre Brock (both just visible in this blip). A volunteer who'd only recently moved to Leith (from England) had heard about the clean-up because she walks her little dog on the beach; she was amazed at finding local politicos there and being able to ask Chas directly about the city council's attitude to the littering problem. Scotland seems so much more.....connected, she said. 

In other news I am now aching in all parts of my body (including hands, due to over-use of the nippers). A hot bath is indicated.

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