A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

No rest for the wicked

In all the birthday madness I've forgotten to mention that Anna's been down for a couple of days with a cough and cold. My throat started to tickle yesterday so when I woke this morning it was hard to distinguish what was hangover and what was actual illness. Took the pup out to blow away the cobwebs and try and help figure it out. Turns out I have the cold and sore throat but not the cough so the rest of the day has been considerably more lethargic. Did give me the chance to watch Clueless which one of the authors I saw on Thursday had been raving about. Though this little one thought it best I multi-task with a little game of tug.

Anna is coming out of her lurgy and rallied enough to do some homework and meet up with a couple of her old primary school mates. I rallied enough to be her taxi driver. Very happily as the reason Carl wasn't around was because he and Jackson were at Stamford Bridge watching Chelsea be held to an intense draw with Arsenal. First live game together in approximately forever. Pure happiness.

Lesley x

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