Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Getting it in the neck

Dylan likes sitting on people's shoulders, and will often leap on to you unexpectedly, although I confess this shot was posed.

I did headshots tonight, first time in ages, for Ms D. I wasn't terribly pleased with the results; I'm out of practice, haven't used my old DSLR in ages, my lighting rig (reclaimed from storage in the loft at work) was not all there, and I should have used a flash; so lots of pictures that looked good in camera were poor when viewed on screen. But it was fun doing them. Extra of Ms D attached.

So my run of bad luck with technology appears to be continuing as my Panasonic Lumix has jammed and the lens won't extend and it comes up with an error message regarding focus. It's a bummer as I love that little camera.

On the plus side we had a really good day. Finished the clearance work and now have a full skip to be collected tomorrow. Got my 12.9 inch new iPad Pro which is lovely. Mr Bear dropped in for coffee then an hour later an old friend that Mr Bear and I shared a house with forty years ago rang to make contact. Hope to see him next month. Also lots of street conversations with neighbours.

Finished off with a fab curry cooked by TSM, all of us sitting around the table at the end of the day. So a good day on the people front which is what matters ...

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