curl up and die

I seem to have got into the habit recently of blipping the onset of Autumn.  I had planned to stop, but a couple of people asked ‘why?’.  And I couldn’t resist this lone Hosta leaf putting on a brave/bright show in a dark part of the garden.   

A bit of extra faffing, just for fun.

A gig tonight in Leicester.  Solo - no band although a couple of friends will be there to help me out.  I don’t like performing on my own - much prefer to hide in among the others.  But I made a promise to myself (and Anniemay) when we came back from Germany that I would make the effort and do more while I can.

If I forget the words tonight (and it seem to be happening more often these days) then this leaf will not be the only thing in the spotlight that’s going to curl up and die.

Looks better large.

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