Size is Relative

It is often impossible to tell the size of something presented in isolation.  I've put pennies next to tiny flowers and people next to giant rocks which gives a good reference point for determining size but often tends to ruin the composition of the picture.

The Daves had tarps and equipment spread out in front of the garage and their truck was in the alternative parking spot so I turned and fled to safe haven in Acre Coffee. I loitered there taking pictures of all sorts of interesting interactions, some quite thought provoking,  I liked this shot for the height disparity, the black and white theme and the pleasure on the faces of both the subjects. She is tiny compared to him so I'm tagging it for Tiny Tuesday, but I realize it's a stretch....

When I got home both Daves  had gone home sick, apparently with some bug they picked up on their deer hunting caper...I could say serves them right, but that would be mean...They have finished painting everything but the chimney, so I started moving all the porch furniture, wiping it down for spider webs and dust, bird droppings and sunflower seed shells, oak twiglets and lichen, eventually giving up when the stuff was blowing back onto the porch as quickly as I could remove it. No wonder the Daves think I'm a madwoman....

The AT&T technician, a pretty young woman named Rainie  arrived to try and sort out our Wifi problem. She didn't like the juxtaposition of all our equipment, even though we said it was the way the last technician set it up. She moved and consolidated everything, and changed the password that came with the equipment, from an incomprehensible series of letters and numbers to something a bit more user friendly, if there is such a thing.

 I can't help being struck by AT&T's current motto, printed on their trucks and all the technician's uniforms....Rethink Possible. The only thing that ever comes to my mind when I see that is Impossible. 

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