Island Nest

After a wonderful evening of music and a very late night, I thought I'd sleep in but I'm used to being up early and with rain forecast for later in the day, I decided to take an early morning walk to my favourite headland. The light was glorious, the sea so blue, I didn't see the otter I was looking out for or any dolphins but plenty of oyster catchers, turnstones, cormorants, wagtails and this pair of swans.
The weather continued sunny, so my friend Illana and I went for a kayak, the wind had picked up and it was quite choppy, we kayaked west into the wind hugging the coast, then out into the bay and to the far side of an Island where we hoped to see some seals but not today. The journey back with the wind behind us was exhilarating and very quick. Home for a welcome brew and some chocolate!

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