chaos theory

We’re having a bit of a clear-out/reorganisation at the moment.  There are piles of things - some to dump, some to keep - all over the garage floor.  To say it’s a bit chaotic is an understatement.  

I only have to say to Anniemay something like “perhaps if we were to move this or that, we might be able to …”  and she’s off like a greyhound who imagines that the slightest movement in her peripheral vision is most definitely a hare, even though there’s no evidence to suggest it’s anything more than a feather on the breeze.  

The important bit “and wait until I get home to help…” is lost.  It’s not a phrase she understands.  

In some circumstances this can be to my advantage.  But the garage is a sort of shed/man cave.  Bikes are stored and repaired, household things get mended (or not) and very occasionally a car is housed overnight.  None of these things can happen at the moment.

Among ‘my’ pile of things is the subject of my blip.  Someone struck it on my door of my office at work.  I rather liked it and took it with me when I retired.  It has more meaning than a clock or a ‘sorry you’re leaving’ card.  I’ll keep it.  It sums up the state of the garage at the moment.  

And as I listen to the news, I could imagine it stuck on any number of politicians’ office doors.

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